Help for Overwhelmed Parents: Top 3 Tips for Staying on Top of Your Parenting Role

Raise your hand if you’re a parent that feels overwhelmed more often than not?
Now raise your other hand if you’d like the top 3 tips to help you stay on top of your parenting role.
These 3 parenting tips will transform your feeling of overwhelm to feeling on top of your best parenting role!
Tip #3: Get to the point.
Getting to the point of what’s actually throwing your parenting role into a tailspin… is the key to finding the solution.
Become aware of what triggers your most stressful moments, and start there.
You’ll be amazed at how little adjustments will help de-stress your parenting role.
For example, if the morning rush frequently causes meltdowns…
- decide what you can prep the night before.
- see what your kids can do for themselves in the morning.
- ask your mate to help manage a task or two.
Maybe your kid’s school clothes can be picked out the night before.
Or decide what you’ll make for a healthy breakfast ahead of time, by using a weekly menu.
Give the kids a backpack checklist to help them make sure they have everything they need for the day.
The morning stress level should drop dramatically with a few solutions for each trigger point!
Tip #2: Follow through with what you say you’re going to do.
Consistency is everything, because your kids will learn that your word is your word.
All the tantrums and testing won’t keep you from exercising your role and responsibility to train them, protect them, and nurture them.
So what can you do to stay in the saddle when the kids try to throw you off your horse?
Choose a game plan to click into action whenever a meltdown starts.
Here’s a tantrum coping tool I’ve used that’s super easy to use, and it works for both the parents and the kids.
When the meltdown starts, bend down and say in a quiet voice, “I’ll hold you when you’re done.”
This offers a focal point for the out-of-control child and helps them to feel in control of their emotions, while you remain in control of the situation.
It’s a win-win tool for everyone!
Tip #1: Try to stay on the same page with your mate.
One of the top challenges for mates is parenting as partners.
It’s no surprise there are many challenges when two people try to work as a team on anything, let alone in the most significant role on the planet… the parent role.
The key is feeling like you’re partnering together while coming from totally different backgrounds, with different strengths and weaknesses, and bringing different ideas to your parenting role.
Common ground is found when you try to stay on the same page.
You’ll build respect for each other and build strength in your parenting partnership.
You’ll find ways to work through your differences to find common ground for the sake of raising your kids to the best of your combined abilities.
Communication is key, so make time for “parent talk” away from the kids.
If communication is your weakest link… start building a better style by simply looking at each other while you talk.
The extra bonus is in trying to stay on the same parenting page is… your marriage will get a healthy boost, too!