How to Conquer the #1 Fear for Moms: “Mom Fear”
Do you remember the exhilarating feeling that swept over you the minute you held your newborn baby?
It’s a moment you’ll never forget!
Something else happened at precisely that same moment.
Your special delivery arrived with a bonus… your heart and head were transformed with your new role as a mom.
The natural instinct to protect, provide, and nurture your baby lit up like a fireworks display!
In a blink of an eye… several additional “new mom” features also popped up.
How long did it take for you to discover the eyes in the back of your head, the ability to know when lies are being told, and the profound sense of danger before it’s visible?
And rarely do you stop to think about how much you’re sacrificing in body, soul, and bank accounts, to raise your kids to become healthy and self-sustaining adults. It just goes with the territory.
But there’s one thing moms will rarely talk about… “mom fear.”
On its own, fear is an ugly word.
And every mom has it.
Fear that you’re not a good enough mom… or that your own failures will impact your kids negatively.
Or fear that you aren’t giving your kids enough ___________ (you fill in the blank.)
Maybe its fear that your kids won’t like you if you discipline them.
Could it be fear that your kids won’t find a good group of friends, discover their passions, or be happy?
The biggest fear moms talk about lately is the fear of what social media is doing to kids today.
“Mom fear” is real… but it doesn’t have to have power over you.
It explains why moms are well equipped with instincts to protect, provide for, and nurture their kids above all.
Perspective balances “mom-fear.”
Moms know there are harmful things out in the world, and sometimes even right at home.
They understand that experiences and opportunities help kids become strong, confident, and well-rounded people.
But moms fear for their children’s safety and well-being from the moment they’re born to the moment they leave the nest. (Really… its forever.)
They know their kids need a strong foundation to navigate life well, or else the world will chew them up and spit them out.
And they know that a dysfunctional home-life breaks kids down and diminishes their chance of become thriving adults.
So, moms focus on providing a loving and nurturing home-life, and in doing so, create a supportive springboard for their kids to grow up healthy, in all aspects of life.
But “mom fear” creeps in and tries to mess up your best efforts and intentions.
Here’s the secret to managing “mom fear.”
Understand that fear is a mix of thoughts and emotions.
Fear is passive while you’re active, and active when you’re passive.
That means action conquers fear.
We’ve all been told to “face our fears.”
But what does that actually mean?
It means decisive action keeps “mom fear” in its proper place.
Fear isn’t going away, so learning to use it productively turns it from a negative dynamic into a positive one.
When you turn “mom fear” into “mom fuel”, it can motivate you to find solutions, give you courage, reach your goals, and grow healthy confidence.
Those are all things moms need every day! (And things you want to teach your kids, too!)
Conquering the #1 fear for moms is easy when you learn to turn “mom-fear” into “mom fuel.”
Always remember… you are in charge of your thoughts and emotions. They are there to serve you, not the other way around.
It’s time to stop being a victim of “mom fear”, and instead use it as “mom fuel” to confidently and joyfully raise your kids to become thriving adults.
Take your biggest “mom fear” and ask yourself what the opposite of that fear is.
Then do that.
It might be re-arranging your focus or attitude, or it might be doing something that you’ve never done before.
- Teach your kids a new life skill so they will learn to become strong and capable. (Cooking, managing money, taking care of pets, helping with house chores, helping a sibling in some way.)
2. Practice healthy daily habits so you will be the best version of yourself… for your own wellbeing and for your whole family! (When you take care of yourself, others will benefit, too.)
3. Learn to communicate better with your kids and your mate by keep conversations fresh and focused on promoting the healthy and happy home you’re trying to create. (Make the effort to look at each other when you talk, ask questions that offer more than yes or no responses, learn each other’s love language to help each other thrive.)
4. Make the most of the short time you have to raise your family… by enjoying some kind of fun family time together every week. (Play outside, take walks, pack a picnic, host a weekly game or movie night, go on day trips, start family traditions, cook together, help each other find fun hobbies, contribute to a community project as a family.)
Go ahead and turn “mom fear” on its ear.
And always remember it’s there to help you be the best mom you can be… when you turn “mom fear” into “mom fuel.”
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