How to Turn Negative Energy into Positive Energy
When life gets challenging, it’s easy to get stuck living with way too much negative energy.
Something either hurts us, makes us mad, or interrupts our day, and it’s hard to shake off negative vibes.
Do any of these situations sound familiar to you?
- A stressful conversation tips you off balance.
- You put extra pressure on yourself to perform.
- One of your kids is rebellious.
- Either you or your spouse lost a job, making finances extra challenging.
- Someone you care about has disappointed you.
- Skeletons in the closet keep you trapped from moving forward in life.
- You’re tip-toeing through a fragile marriage.
- Someone you love has recently passed away.
No one likes negative situations, or the energy they bring, but they are a large part of life.
The good news is… negative energy has an upside… if you take advantage of it.
It’s like flipping a coin over to the other side.
When you realize negative energy is not only purposeful, but it’s intended to help you grow, achieve, and become stronger, then you’ll discover one of the biggest and most powerful self-improvement tools that exists.
Here’s the amazing truth about energy:
You can convert it, or transform it.
You can’t create it or destroy it… but you can work with it.
That incredible truth will revolutionize your view of negative energy.
What’s your natural reaction to negative situations?
- Crawl in a hole.
- Let anger tear you up inside.
- Stay trapped in a victim mode.
- Blame everything and everyone else.
- Let depression take over you.
- Think you deserve it.
- Get comfortable with feeling bad.
- Just give up.
If any of these statements hit close to home, then you’re missing out on the biggest self-improvement tool that exists.
Energy conversion!
So, how do you convert negative energy into something useful?
Conversion takes action.
Or, re-action.
My instant re-action to anything negative, is to start cleaning, organizing, or finishing up something.
It’s crazy how much energy I can suddenly tap into when I’m upset.
It makes me feel like I’m back in control of my life at that moment, and it’s the quickest way to get back in the saddle when you’ve been thrown off your horse.
Or, on a bigger scale, after the loss of my daughter, I started a cottage bakery business, as a way to touch the community with love, just like my daughter Carly did.
For me, that action converted negative energy into something positive.
Even if it’s a totally unrelated action, do something positive for yourself, and you’ll turn the tide of negative energy into positive energy in an instant.
Not only that, dispersing negative energy through positive actions is the healthiest way to reverse depression, anxiety, and disappointment.
It helps you feel purposeful, find solutions more readily, and move through challenging circumstance easier.
You’ll be surprised at all the benefits you’ll find, when you learn to convert negative energy into positive fuel.