Why We All Need to Share Our Story
Do you know why we all need to share our story?
Because the richest part of life is found in stories, and yours is one of them!
Stories are rich in culture, beliefs, humor, information, and wisdom.
We pass on family traditions and learn about our heritage through stories.
And to top it all off, we learn how to live a better life from each other.
Your story is full of passion, purpose, pain, and potential.
You actually have many stories that are woven into a beautifully evolving custom work of art.
It’s not a finished story yet, which gives you time to figure out how you’d like to share it.
That being said… are you already sharing your story with the world?
If so, yippee! Thank you for contributing your masterpiece with all of us!
If not, maybe you’ve been afraid to share your story, because of past failures, insecurities, or fear.
Hiding behind excuses not only robs you of the blessings that come in sharing your story, but it robs us too.
How do we find encouragement, perspective, instruction, and inspiration without your story?
We miss a lot, and you miss even more!
We are better individually by sharing our story, and collectively richer by hearing each other’s stories.
So, where do you start to tell your story?
You do it by finding an outlet to sing from, a platform to teach from, or an avenue to parade down.
There are so many ways you could share your story with the world, now that social media has options galore.
But you could also share it with your hands in the dirt, your boots on the ground, and your chainsaw paving the way.
You could master the kitchen, build the business, write the song.
Your passions and talents should point the way.
Let your heart lead, because that’s the way every story should be told.
Keep it authentic, keep it real, keep it you being you.
Never discount the value of your story, your message, or your self-worth.
Your story is the most valuable thing you can bless the world with.
Please don’t stand in the way of your story being told.
Push through and find the right outlets that bring it to life.
Whether you start down one road, and end up taking another, you’ll be unstoppable in the quest to get your story out.
Just take a step or two in faith, and see what happens.
No doubt, everything you need to share your story, will show up right on time.
I’d love to hear how you plan to share your story, so please take a minute and leave your comments!